Monday, April 14, 2008

Visit to White Stag Building

On Friday (April 11) we were able to finally visit the White Stag building as a class. The building was beautiful, and construction was farther along than I had expected. Our exhibition for the BFA program will be on the fourth floor of this building... hopefully. The space is actually quite interesting. There is a lot of space too, much more than the gallery on the main floor. We are not showing in the gallery anyway however, as it is still under construction. I have picked out an area for my installation on the fourth floor. It is being referred to as a "bay." There are three bays on the fourth floor, which measure approximately 60' long by 20' across.

First floor: Lobby.

First floor: Gallery under construction.

First floor: Gallery under construction.

Fourth floor: Bay area.

Fourth floor: Main walkway.

Fourth floor: Bay area.

Fourth floor: Classroom.

Fifth floor: Architecture department.

Fifth floor: View from east windows.

Fifth floor: Architecture department.

Fifth floor: View from fourth floor walkway.

Fourth floor: View from south window.

Fourth floor: Office.

Fourth floor: Office.

Fourth floor: Bay area wall.

1 comment:

Jessyka said...

When does your show open?