#1. Four Same Sized Panels
Each panel would be different. The four would connect to create an ongoing mural. Each panel would be approximately 5' x 2.5.'

#2. Collage
Using Avery paper, or some type of other removable adhesive, I would collage directly onto the gallery wall.

#3. Wallpaper / Large Scale Print
The cityscape would be transformed into wallpaper and pasted onto the gallery walls. As an alternative to this option (in order to not damage the gallery walls) a company that specializes in large scale printing could be used to achieve the same effect.

#4. Relief
By cutting out unique shapes from the cityscape and then pasting them onto foam core pieces, a 3-dimensional space can be achieved that gives the cityscape actual depth.

#5. Spread Out Collage
Using the same technique as no. 2, create a collage directly onto the walls. This time however, the collage is more dispersed and even goes onto the ceiling.

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